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Impacts and Achievements

ITFC’s achievements cover many themes:

• The regulation and monitoring of resource use in Bwindi Impenetrable national park
• The successful habituation of gorilla groups for research and tourism
• Coordination of regular gorilla censuses
• Wide adoption of methods to limit crop damage by animals on park boundaries
• Water quality monitoring leading to changes in local environmental regulations

Some 60 post-graduate students have studied at ITFC and are now amongst Uganda’s leading conservationists and scholars. Researchers from around the world are attracted by ITFC’s reputation as a centre pursuing globally important issues in a unique setting. Over the years ITFC has acquired impressive facilities, including offices, library, internet access, herbarium, laboratory and accommodation.

Please download this summary of known cases where ITFC (alone or in conjunction with collaborators) has directly contributed to improved conservation or related outcomes. Note that the list is likely very incomplete as many likely cases of indirect influence cannot be attributed with certainty.